Unit4 Research Management

Unit4 Research Management provides transparency from commercial, compliance and financial perspectives and unlocks insights with in-memory analytic tools so that academic, business development and finance teams can plan success.
As part of Unit4’s fully integrated Education solutions, it also frees up time so that your staff can focus on world-changing research.
Streamline your research processes

In its simplest terms, research management touches all aspects of an institution’s business, including its academics, students, partners, funders and administration staff. Throughout the research life cycle these stakeholders are vital and Unit4’s research management solution helps institutions to manage this process against a background of changing demands, uncertainty in funding streams and increasing competition. The quality of an institution’s research and subsequent standing in the sector are vital for protecting and growing valuable research income.

Unit4 Research Management lets you automate research administration, giving you reliable, real-time data for finances and funding management. With a robust data ecosystem, you’ll be able to proactively manage budgetary concerns and complex revenue sources , while ensuring compliance with international and local legislation.

The solution helps universities to focus on bids which reflect and support their strategic objectives and where they are more likely to succeed, while streamlining and reducing the effort involved in the creation, review, approval and submission of applications for research projects and grants.

Pre-award management tools let you more effectively identify projects that are right for you, with a unified system of research “master data” to improve your decision making and empower your collaborative, inter-institutional efforts. Existing projects are optimized with management tools that integrate with your HR systems to help you target the best talent for any given task and quickly identify staffing gaps and skills shortages.


Improve the costing, pricing and approval processes for grant applications

At a time when the sector needs to reduce costs, streamline business processes and increase revenue, each institution needs to examine its software solutions to make sure that it is maximizing its academic potential.

Developed in collaboration with research intensive universities, specialist research institutions and post-92 teaching universities, Unit4 Research Costing and Pricing is a flexible, comprehensive costing, pricing and approval solution that enables the production of accurate cost estimations and agreement on appropriate prices for grant applications for even the largest, most diverse or fast-changing national and international establishments.

The solution provides a consistent approach to data input, output and interpretation, with clear audit trails through a single, shared system – helping to make the costs transparent and easy to analyze.

  • Manage the pricing and costing processes, efficiently and consistently.
  • The single, shared system incorporates approval mechanisms that speed up communication between different departments, with clear audit trails.
  • Increase control and transparency around cost and price information.
  • The system’s efficiency brings time-savings to all users both in their day-to-day usage and when updates are applied.
  • Easily export data and interface with other systems to save time and reduce errors.

What if you could use your research management to power success?

The quality of an institution’s research and subsequent standing in the sector are vital for protecting and growing valuable research income.

The fully-integrated solution delivers powerful functionality for research excellence.

Improve your success rates – Manage complex revenue sources to maximum effect and ensure the right people bid on the right projects with a holistic view of research opportunities and previous success rates.

Facilitate collaborative working – Support collaborative research activities within and outside the institution. Promote results of research activities into business.

Empower your academics – Reduce administration and comply with funding constraints by simplifying complex costing and workflow processes.

Increase research revenue – Assess the financial viability of potential research projects with accurate Full Economic Costing (FEC) and ensure timely funder billing.