School Management
Student Mgt. with Sp. Exam (Weekly test)
The program, being lane-based can run more than one computer. Moreover, the details of ‘Help’ are displayed in Gujarati in our program so special training is not required in its operation.
Details of schools:
Information about the school book of trust and trustees standards and classes in progress
Facilities to prepare fee registers in accordance with caste, class & gender
Facilities to issue fees receipt
Details of the employees
Standard wise list of the subjects
Facility to prepare time table lased on the standard class & teacher
Details of student:
Information about students enrollment – school leaving
Facility to prepare the school leaving certificates of the students of 10th And 12th
Facility to supply the GR information of past students
Facility to print duplicate LC of past student
Facility to issue student’s address-register according to the village, Category, caste, birth date, standard and class etc.
Facility to issue student’s birth day, benefice & trial certificates students master roll
List of the students based on the caste
Facility to prepare student’s I-cards
Student’s monthly master roll for academic year
Details of Examination:
List of stander wise examination to be conducted
List of subject wise maximum-minimum marks as per the examination
To allot the seat numbers to all the students of school in accordance with year and standard
Mark sheets according to the standard , subject and examination
Facility to register the marks as per mark-sheets.
Facility to receive overall mark-sheet according to the examination
Facility to edit marks of all the subject of respective students simultaneously
Facility to make the sitting arrangement as per the seat numbers
Year wise mark-sheets for oral examination Table shoving the sitting arrangement
Table shoving class wise seat numbers
Facility for result preparation
Facility to prepare standard wise result
Facility to prepare the result of all the standard simultaneously
Facility to prepare the result sheets in more than one format
Facility for merit list
Table showing the percentages of the result (with graphs) for the examination, class and subjects
Facility for self preparing time table
Class wise time table
Teaching wise time table
Details of teacher’s work board, class/subject wise
Teachers work board for different classes and subjects
Facility for Transportation
Bus Details
Bus route
Student pick-up point
Driver’s detail
Bus Fee
2. Account
Information pertaining to the account includes journal, ledger, case book, bank book, ledger summery, group summery, trial balance , income expanse register, balance sheet, parches register, transfer (Hawala) register, production cost register (Audit)
3. Pay-roll
Details of the employees, all about words like- district code, budget head, Designation master grade code etc. Leave transition, earned leave transition, leave balance carry forward, Salary transaction, Pay-ship, Facility to print, Total annual pay, D.A., H.RA, Total leave, Total leave without- pay, Total earned leave and the forms pertaining to the pay and leaves, direct calculation of DA difference, Group insurance, GPF interest & their statements, Form-16, Form-24Q, as any change in the government norms about leave and pay are efficiently applicable by this program.
4. Paper Setter
This module includes facility to draw papers to fit in any stretchers format of questions, facility to add new question and to store the set papers etc
5. Library
More than one book register, book purchase, book transaction, open account, book issue, book return, damage book register, penalty, book names, categories list of book, book list as per account transactions, List of books not returned after due-dates, List of books on hand, damage books account, book search from alphabetic characters by author’s name, publication and name of books. In addition our web development division also prepares web sites schools colleges and companies.
6. School web-site
Details regarding school-trust, subject wise courses, existing students, results list of top-ten students, merit list for admission, information’s of part students ex-employers (staff), various school activates etc.